The story of Elenin
December 12, 2010, the Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin discovered a comet that was then named after him. The US space authority NASA quite soon afterwards confirmed its existence and gave it the code C/2010 X1.They calculated its orbit and presented it in the Internet (the NASA link still works and there is also an alternative link). It appeared to be a non-periodic comet, i.e., not running in an elliptic obit so that it would return regularly, but it would pass once trough our solar system and then disappear out in the interstellar space. It was first assumed to be very big, since it had a very wide coma. It was later reported that its body would be a only few kilometers in diameter, but its coma would be about as big as Jupiter. It will be because of this huge coma that Elenin was by many first supposed to be bigger than the Earth. It is, however, very unusual that its coma would by order of magnitude be some 40 000 times bigger than its body! Many found that hard to believe and therefore doubted that the body would be that small.
NASA took this matter seriously enough to turn one of its two STEREO space observatories to observe Elenin during two weeks in the beginning of August 2011. They also showed images of Elenin from that observatory, but to day that website only has short messages.
The body was then held to be a big rock of about 5 km (3 miles) in diameter, but there were also reports that it would essentially be made up of ice, not only frozen water but also gases frozen in the extreme cold of the interstellar space.
According to the orbit calculation, Elenin should around September 27-28, 2011, have passed between the Sun and the Earth and thrown its shadow on us. If it would be as big as was first assumed, it would keep the Earth in deep darkness during, maybe, 2-3 days. This didn’t occur. What happened?
Strangely enough, Elenin disappeared as it approached the Sun! It fell apart and dissolved – see also here and here (the latter link also mentions an explosion). Not very astonishing in view of the heat of the Sun if it was mainly composed of ice and that frozen gases then rapidly evaporated, so that after that only some minor pieces of rock remained, which were before frozen into the ice. It was reported that a solar eruption had reached it, which will have accelerated the melting and evaporation of the ice. This could explain its exceptionally big coma, since it would then be a widely spread thin atmosphere of water vapor and gases. The coma grew in diameter as Elenin came closer to the Sun and in that case the ice evaporated faster. It was also reported that this coma would have hydrogen cyanide in it, a deadly poison (probably in a low concentration), which will in that case have been found out by means of spectral analysis.
It does, however, appear a bit surprising that such a huge and enormously big body of ice could come here from outer space. From where did then all that water come? Or was the very most of it actually frozen gases?
In the beginning, there were alleged observations that Elenin would have a huge gravity and, among other things, that alignments of Elenin with the Sun and the Earth would increase earthquake activities. The first such alignment occurred March 11, 2011, and then we had the big earthquake in Japan. The second was expected to occur around September 27, 2011, but then Elenin was no more there. There were, however, a few strong (> 6.0) quakes during the two weeks before, which are a bit hard to connect with Elenin. A third alignment would according to orbit pre-calculations occur November 19, 2011, if Elenin were still there… Around October 16-18, Elenin would come closest to the Earth. It is also remarkable that in a period around March 11, 2011, the orbit of the moon was strongly distorted (see below), probably caused by a very strong gravitational influence. Could it be that Elenin in the beginning was hugely big body of ice, with a correspondingly strong gravity, and that the latter then gradually disappeared when the ice evaporated?
Another hypothesis, which some observations and reports may support, is that it wasn’t Elenin itself that had a huge gravity, but another heavenly body (reported by CNN, see also here) that would follow after it! See also this video and this report. In that case, Elenin would rather be a precursor of that body. It would then, instead, be a matter of alignment with that one. At March 11, 2011, it could well have been that such a heavenly body was also aligned, such that both it and Elenin were in one line with the Sun and the Earth. It would then, as seen from us, have been standing behind Elenin. The other dates for alignments with Elenin would then no more apply to that heavenly body. If such a hypothetical very big heavenly body with a huge gravity really exists, further alignments with it would occur at other (and probably considerably later) occasions. What in that case could be expected to be the influence on the Earth is hard to estimate, but it could under circumstances be considerably strong.
Under this hypothesis we may ask: Why don’t we see that very big heavenly body? Or is it actually visible, but we are not informed about it? Some reports in the Internet seem to indicate the latter, and also that that heavenly body would be quite dark, which would make it more difficult to see. Could it, if it exists, at present be positioned behind the Sun? Could it even be that it is a black hole? Such a hole would hardly be visible itself but rather through the distortion of the positions of stars beyond it, caused by its gravity, since the light from these stars would be bent as if by a huge lens – gravitational lens effect – as it passes near the hole, so that in a telescope image one would see the star positions shifted radially around that black hole. Something like that may possibly be what is seen in this video.
These are so far speculations seeking an explanation for gravitational effects that in certain periods appeared to be unusually strong.
Fear or hope?
Many persons had fears because of this incident, others
had hope. Hope that a very much needed drastic change would take place in
humanity. Hope for an end of the actual and very negative development on this
planet in politics, finances, military powers and religions. The “New World Order” is striving
for a power structure with satanic features. The aim obviously is to establish a
powerful upper class and a controlled class of workers, eliminating the middle
class we so far have. The many extreme manipulations in the financial world will
have the total control over our private finances as their final goal. The crazy
and fanaticized religious conflicts in the world will be stirred up in a
Machiavellian sense of “divide and rule”. Our freedom is gradually reduced and
the surveillance of the individual is increasingly totalitarianized. “Big
brother watches you” is coming closer all the time. People are being manipulated
with the age-old political tool fear. How can an
end be put to this evil? The danger of a
3rd world war
is by no means over, but instead seems to come closer with the unrest in especially the Near
East and North Africa, which appears to be a goal with such stirred-up unrests:
to out of it at some opportunity create an excuse for a selfish military
intervention, apparently to “save world peace” but in reality for achieving
total power. The end result of such a war could, however, be its
self-destruction, since this “world order” could be unexpectedly crushed by its
own power. This would, in a way, be a solution, but a horrible alternative and
the most idiotic of them all. Then I would certainly prefer a major natural
catastrophe! A breakdown of the old with destruction of military facilities so that a new humanity can rise like a
phoenix out of the ashes. A humanity that from a heavy lesson has finally had to
learn to fearlessly live together in peace, love, justice and freedom!
Some may, therefore, be feeling a bit disappointed about Elenin...
There will, however, be many who would prefer to live without freedom rather than to die. This is in my view a regrettable mistake! There is no death! The soul is immortal and comes back! We would then want to come back in a new world, as described above, rather than in a reckless dictatorship! Who doesn’t want reincarnation to be real, can see things in an analogous manner. He will, according to his belief, either resurrect in another and paradisiac world, or he will no more exist at all. I would prefer the latter rather than to live a hopeless existence in a total dictatorship… Who wants to believe in eternal condemnation could probably have that, too, but then preferably not already now in a hell on this Earth… As the saying goes: A horrible end is better than an endless horror...
There is an ancient Hopi prophecy about a blue star Kachina followed by a red star Kachina that supports the hypothesis that Elenin would be a precursor of a much bigger heavenly body. See this video, which also well summarizes the information we so far have about Elenin. Here is another video.
There may possibly have been a certain preparedness in the USA (and maybe also elsewhere) about the time of the alignment around September 27 that never occurred, in the case (becoming less and less probable) that something might after all happen: World leaders in recess during Elenin alignment September 26-27, Obama ordered to Denver Airport bunker by US Military on September 27, Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off, also here.
Strangely enough, most videos about Elenin that I linked to earlier have disappeared. Censorship? Or because some of them (not all!) are no more actual?
Videos in YouTube have long shown amateur images of strange objects near the Sun, claiming that they would be huge UFOs. I felt very skeptical about this since what was observed could be optical anomalies. Now, however, NASA also reports such observations (but of course they will never suggest UFOs), which in any case means that the things seen will be real – whatever they may be. See also here. A potentially earthlike planet Kepler 22b has also been discovered.
In case the situation would really become threatening: how would the governments of the Earth prepare people for it? The simple answer to the latter question is: Not at all! Because there is nothing that they can do (except trying to secretly save an “elite” away in subterranean shelters without being hindered by upset masses of people) and since in that case most governments in general, and otherwise most members of certain governments, don’t know about this! If that is how things actually are, only a minor well closed group of scientists and the most high members of certain governments will know it, and others who may be informed will at the risk of their lives (and the safety of their families) be bound to secrecy (and who nevertheless does talk about these and similar things, like – among others – Serge Monast, Phil Schneider, William Cooper [9-part video], John Todd, allegedly Fritz Springmeier and Gary Allen, as well as Stieg Larsson and even John F. Kennedy [2-part video, see also here], is first branded as a paranoid lunatic, and if that doesn’t help to undermine his credibility, he is one day found dead). They then know what is coming and issue only covert and half-hearted warnings in small portions. We are lucky that (so far still) the Internet is there as the last forum for free speech and for statement of free opinions, and for publishing uncensored information that the controlled media never mention, because one wants to keep it away from us and feed us other ideas.
Yet: don’t fear! This is easy to say, but: THERE IS NO DEATH!!! We only leave the material body and continue to live as liberated souls! ONLY dying could for a SHORT WHILE be painful, but then we experience freedom and liberation! And a more real life than before!