Our future depends upon love


Everyone talks about 2012. What is that about? What will it lead to? One talks about revolving changes on our planet. On one side about catastrophes and destruction, on the other side about a shift in consciousness and awakening of humanity towards a new spirituality.

It seems that “2012” already began on February 12 in Japan, and it will probably not come to an end in December 2012. Maybe revolving changes could come to an end then, but by far not yet the after-effects. “2012” will probably last several years, maybe 10-20 years. Why does it happen to us? What will come out of it?

Let us begin with the first question. It obviously has to do with cleansing. From what? From all the negativity in humanity: selfishness, greed for money, property and power, reckless striving for one’s own best without respect for the consequences for others and for nature. This ill weed must go away! This filthy waste must be disposed of! The old will have to collapse so that the new can grow on its ruins.

Before the seeds can grow, the earth must be tilled. It must be ploughed, the soil must be turned and ill weeds must be brought down in it. Only then can the seeds grow, which Christ sowed to the world through Jesus.

It is also a matter of self defense of nature against the selfish and destructive rage of humanity. Every year almost 5 million hectares (12 million acres) of forest disappear. More than 6.5 million hectares (16 million acres) fertile land are lost every year due to ground erosion. Each year there are around 12 million hectares (30 million acres) more desert. 130 000 life forms become extinct. 9 million tons of poisonous chemicals pollute our planet. Each and every year! (Estimates according to worldometers.) The planet’s population increases by 215 000 every day (net figure: births minus deaths).

There is a highly interesting channeled message. I am basically skeptic about channeling, since there obviously is much more chaff than wheat in it. Many channeled messages are obviously lies or intentional misleading. By whom? It will come from negative powers and entities, who seek influence and want to manipulate us. There are only few “channelings”, for which I have a good feeling. One of them is The Separation has Begun, channeled by Langa (pseudonym). I had the opportunity to meet him personally and have a very good impression. To me, this message will be true and it also makes sense.

It reads as follows:

“Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, the separation has begun. Gaia has entered the 8th segment of transformation; she is now in the point of no return. Division has started at third-dimensional level, and the groups of frequencies present in your plane of existence are being regrouped. From now on, you will be seeing many signs of division and regrouping manifesting in your reality.  Companies will split, friends will stop seeing each other, families will separate, groups will be divided, etc. And at the same time you will be witnessing the absolute opposite; you will join new groups, you will feel closer than ever to your loved ones, family and friends.

This change is neither positive nor negative. It is existential. This is a natural step in the mass-ascension process. Existence consists only of vibrations, and when the vibrations that builds your world change, your whole reality changes accordingly.

At soul level you know that at the moment you decided to embark on this journey, you have been empowered by the Infinite Consciousness to be the architect of your destiny.  Just by drawing the blueprint you set in motion powerful energy/flows through your system that will lead you into awareness expansion.

When you change your awareness frequency to a higher rate, you align your being with higher vibrations, anchoring them in your material reality, hence helping Gaia in her journey to the fifth density. Remember, giving and receiving happen simultaneously, so when you help Gaia, you are being helped too.

If she makes the ascension, a monumental change will occur in the universe, and you will be part of it. The last time a change of this magnitude has happened in any third-density world was 21 billion of your years ago.

The divine plan for the whole cannot go ahead without you, your individuality was given to you for the good of the whole, and your role is utterly irreplaceable. Once you understand this, you can start helping others to see the responsibility they have at this crucial point in human history. Everyone in your world has divine power that they do not realize he/she posses. The divine powers from within surface when consciously he/she start focusing attention on awakening it from the inner core of his/her very consciousness. Help them and help Gaia by making the most of yourself, raising you personal vibratory frequency towards the Creative Principle of Love. This requires a transformation of your being, a conscious attitudinal shift from your side.

At the end of Gaia’s ascension process/separation, two inter-dimensional gateways will open, one leading to fifth-density and the other one ending in third-density, your consciousness will align you with the gateway that best support your most dominant awareness frequency. The re-union has begun. Little by little your group-soul will get together. In the process you may separate from others, but the shared moments and learning that has been gained in the company of others, will always remain in you as a gift of the beyond.

I AM Emmanuel”*

From what Langa told me, I understand it more or less like this. Imagine a “sandwich” of two interwoven layers or levels of existence (e.g., two hooked-up velcro or hook-and-loop tapes, or a laminate board in which the glue is dissolving), which are now separating. The layers go apart and there will in a certain sense be an upper and a lower layer, which at the end will separate completely. Those, who don’t change, will stay on the lower level, and those, who open themselves for love and turn away from materialism, go with the upper level. This could on the lower level be experienced like: “Where is x? He lived here and now even his house isn’t there, anymore”, but this will soon be forgotten as if x had never been. On the upper level it could be a little different, maybe for some like this: “Where is y? Oh, he will have stayed on the lower level. Too bad.” This may also quite soon be forgotten, but probably not always, since people there will have a different consciousness.

Hence this is a matter of personal decisions. Materialism and power like before: lower level, so that one can there literally live out the material until “bend and break”. Spiritualism (central point: unselfish and undiscriminating love): the upper level (if the decision is honest).

It simply cannot be that we all have to share the same fate in the period of radical change that has begun. It cannot be that all, who have developed sufficiently, only because of the others should have to share the fate of the “diehards”. There has to be a separation! There must be two ways into the future evolving for the humanity of this Earth! For those, who develop further there will be a way in a bright and joyful future, and for the others another and consequently different and dusky way. It also could not be that the latter, without doing anything for it themselves, can have a free ride on the brighter way.

But what does development mean here? All religions talk about a “paradisiac” region of existence that awaits those, who behave accordingly. Most of them also talk about a gloomy world that awaits those who behave badly. A few religions also talk about annihilation of the latter souls. If souls, after all, are not annihilated they will have to go a much longer path until they, too, at the end – through many long deviations – reach a paradisiac region of existence. That region of existence is usually described as a world of light, since structures there are as if they were made of light energy, rather than the gross matter we are used to.

Very many persons had a certain insight into this light world, especially in near-death out-of-body experiences. There are a great many reports about such experiences,  to day in the hundreds of thousands, that it is really inconceivable that science still persists in doing them away as fantasy and hallucination in the brain when close to death (e.g., caused by endorphins), especially since they have a high degree of reproducibility (most experiences of this kind are quite similar, which contradicts fantasy and hallucination hypotheses). Regrettably, most churches take a similar attitude, since such insight in the beyond gives another view than what their petrified dogmas maintain for us. Power by dogmatic means is to them obviously more important than empirical truth…

This light world is “populated” by entities, to which also souls of the deceased belong. Another source of empirical truth is in this context the experience of a regression into earlier existences, in which one could relive one’s past death and what followed after it. Also these experiences have similarities to near-death experiences. Most souls obviously go into a kind of “border region” of that light world, since it isn’t yet time fort hem to stay there, because they need new lessons in new embodiments until they are ready for it. What, then, must be before they after a last death can stay in the light world? The main condition is love! The unrestricted and unconditional love for our fellow men and women, in which we recognize the equal value of all human beings and treat them accordingly. Because we all belong to the same creation. That we are standing on different steps of development in no way means that the one would be better or worse than the other. This likewise concerns race, culture, language, origin, sex, family relationships and so on. It merely means that the one has a longer path and the other a shorter in front of him to walk.

In the light world there is no separation between souls and entities, who are there. All form one community and one mutuality. In a certain sense we there are all one and yet individual. The separation arose when we fell out from there to enter material bodies. The bodies are separated from each other, the souls are not. If we really want to be able to stay in the light world, we must overcome this separation. And that is love – or in any case a main aspect of it: no separation, being one with all and everyone. No vertical hierarchy, like in power structures on this Earth. There are no such power structures in the light world and, therefore, in a way a horizontal “hierarchy”, or maybe better: arrangement (or alignment). Without having developed this love that unites to being one with all, we are simply not yet mature for the light world! How could we be, if we carry separation into it? Power and love are like fire and water. Who has power is not loved (people are with him only for privileges), and who loves seeks no power. In the embodiment we experience this separation: hatred, disdain, depreciation, arrogance, competition etc. maintain separation. As long as we live that, we have no chance to stay in the light world. We can only enter fringe areas of it and later reincarnate anew to continue our development. That is why reconciliation is of utmost importance! Another condition for being able to stay in the light world is that there is no soul left in the world, which we have to forgive or be forgiven by. As long as we have negative feelings, we obstruct our way to staying in the light world.

What happens when such hierarchies meet? If they are two vertical hierarchies, there will almost always be fight and war! Than each hierarchy wants to have power over the other. When two horizontal “hierarchies” meet, there is rather peace and cooperation. If a vertical hierarchy meets a horizontally arranged one, there can, e.g., be colonization: the vertical takes power over the horizontal. That is also a misfortunate situation striving backwards, as there has been several times on this Earth. Powerful militaristic nations colonized spiritually developed and less materialistic cultures and pulled them down in materialism. That way high values were lost.

Now another kind of separation will be coming: separation of one level of existence from another. The one level requires love, and who hasn’t developed such love yet, or insufficiently, will have to stay on the other level, until he, too, after new embodiments finally has developed this love. There simply is no other way!


* ©2009 Langa (his website is no more there). Permission is granted to copy and share this information only in its entirety, including this copyright notice and without altering content information.