What on Earth is happening to our planet?
by Jan Erik Sigdell
This is an old text written 2011-2012, from which I have in January 2014 removed no more relevant parts and dead links, and where possible updated links.
Important spiritual addition at the end: THE MESSAGES
An extensive study of the actual situation with reference to official as well as uncensored unofficial information from the Internet.
Who has an informed inner preparedness may have less fear with respect to coming events – and so much better if it then doesn’t happen, after all. Who, however, rejects it all will then easily fall into sheer panic, in case it turns out to be true. Which way would you rather like to have it? (Who puts his head in the sand will be hit at his rear end... and that might hurt...).
The story of Elenin is here.
There are observations that the sun and the moon do not always rise and set as pre-calculated, but occasional deviations are observed. Minimal deviations occur all the time, but rather in ranges which can only be measured with instruments than such we can clearly perceive. Now such deviations seem to become more perceivable. Also the locations at the horizon, where they rise and set, seem to begin to exhibit more perceivable variations, if only you pay attention to them (which very few do). I don’t mean the seasonal changes, but short-term variations. What does that really mean? Cf.: Huge media blackout regarding Earth and Moon orbital changes?
It was reported in the spring 2011 that the orbit of the moon had changed its position in relation to the Earth, but the media told nothing about it. I had such a suspicion myself, since the setting new moon looked different from what it used to do. Others have told me the same observation. The crescent of the new moon was (seen from where I live in Southern Slovenia – for those who noticed it at all… and who did and who understood it?) lying in an unexpectedly horizontal position, almost as it used to be at the equator. The location where it set at the horizon had also become quite different from where the sun set. Yet I had no data from earlier to compare with. It seemed to me that the orbit of the moon had tilted in relation to the ecliptic. At the new moon in February, I observed that the location at the horizon, where the moon set, was no less than 65° to the North of where the sun set! Such an extreme difference certainly is in no way “normal”! But very few paid attention to it – and how many knew where the moon should have set?…
After some too cloudy days (and also being abroad) I could finally observe the new moon again on June 6, 2011. It now looked the same as earlier! Because of clouds, I could only a few days later locate where it set at the horizon. It is now quite a bit to the South of where the Sun sets. If its appearance changes back and forth like that and also the location where it sets at the horizon, this seems to indicate a remarkable instability in the Earth-Moon system! But it may rather have to do with a massive external gravitational influence and that the Earth-Moon system like a kind of “gravity compass” reacts to it. That is in my opinion the most probable explanation! (Cf. here.)
There was also a report about a tilted position of the moon November 3, 2011. At the transition from November to December 2011, the tilted position is well noticeable and the Moon again sets at a point at the horizon that is quite a bit North of where the Sun sets. Something has changed from what it used to be earlier. What does that mean? There are also strange observations on the moon.
The left picture shows the moon at the place where I live on January 25, 2012 with a clearly tilted position. The location at the horizon where the Moon sets is day by day moving further north and February 1 was around 45° or more north of where the Sun sets. More about Moon anomalies here and here.
The right picture shows the moon at the same location on June 22, 2012 with a rather normal position as it will probably have had about the last 2 months before.
It is also repeatedly reported that the Sun doesn’t rise and set as usual, especially notable in the polar areas. Something is strange: The Sun rises 2 days earlier than normal in Greenland!
Is the Sun expanding? The solar eruptions are increasing in intensity and frequency. The Sun radiation has also become generally more intense and its color is more white. After a comet ran into the sun Oct. 1, 2011!
There have repeatedly been reports about huge objects observed around the sun. Quite recently, it was a very big one with a pyramidal shape. NASA has issued an “explanation” for it – do you accept that, or what would you think that it is? To me it seems too perfectly pyramidal to be a mere “play of light and shadow”. A strange thing is, however, that the background is seen through that object as it passes on... Could it possibly be transparent?
QUESTIONS: Why did the moon orbit changed that much? What does this mean? Why should we not know about it?
In the beginning, I did believe the official explanation stated below for setting up a large number of FEMA camps, building a considerable number of FEMA trains and preparing for translocation of very large numbers of the population. That it would be in expectation of a huge earthquake in the New-Madrid area seemed to make real sense. So far, nothing indicates that this earthquake could come quite soon. But now suspicion grows quite high that this is merely a make-believe disguise for a very different intention with these preparations! For a secret use of these camps, trains and translocation plans that we shouldn’t know... people should instead believe the story below.
The USA are already preparing for a possible catastrophe
What is FEMA? This is an acronym for “Federal Emergency Management Agency”, which allegedly has erected some 800 detention camps in the USA. Why that?
Hints can be found in the Internet. At present, FEMA has bought (or may still be buying) food packages (after searching for companies who can deliver them) in order to feed 7 million survivors during 10 days from a catastrophe relating to the New Madrid fault line. See: RFI for pre-packaged commercial meals and 89 - RFI for pre-packaged commercial meals.
Quotation from there: „FEMA procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations.” The second link above mentions for these 7 millions two meals a day during 10 days, which amounts to a total of 140 million pre-packaged and preserved meals.
The New Madrid fault line
That means that one is preparing for a very extensive earthquake catastrophe in the USA! But what is the New Madrid fault line? It is a crack between two continental plates in the USA. Displacements along that line have already caused earthquakes. Now a very intense earthquake is expected – as seen, even by the authorities! – in that zone, which comprises the states Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi (New Madrid seismic zone).
Here is a map of what America might look like in a few years...
A report on one of the websites of the US government discusses the possibility of an earthquake of magnitude 9 in the USA: Part 1 and Part 2.
Since this was written 2011-2012, little has been reported about possible New-Madrid earthquakes. However in January 2014 the issue has been taken up again in the Internet.
More about preparations
So now they are preparing to support 7 million
survivors from there (an estimate of the number of dead amounts
to at least 3500 and of injured more than 80 000, cf.
Earthquake along New Madrid fault would
devastate Central US – in the 8
[see below] states concerned, the population is 46.5 millions, so that
the numbers could be much higher, even though fringe areas may hardly
be hit). Estimates of expected effects of such coming earthquakes in
that area can be found here:
Impact of New Madrid seismic zone earthquakes (a website of a university). An extensive official
report can be read here:
Impact of New
Madrid seismic zone earthquakes Report Vol. 1.
Quotation from there: “Three days after the earthquake, 7.2 million people are still displaced and 2 million people seek temporary shelter. Direct economic losses for the eight states total nearly $300 billion, while indirect losses may be at least twice this amount.” Obviously, the “7 million” stated above by FEMA is taken from this report. (This report mentions 8 states, to the ones stated above also Alabama.)
For the same purpose, FEMA furthermore seeks a corresponding amount of drinking water in suitable containers: RFI - Hydration supplies for disaster relief, as well as 14 million blankets: RFI - Blankets for disaster relief. One is possibly preparing for confiscation of food from farms. The Budweiser and Bush breweries have has reduced the production of beer in cans and instead prepare huge quantities of cans with water.
So that is what these detention camps are prepared for. But only for that?
According to various reports (one of
them is shown here:
Halliburton confirms concentration camps already constructed), the FEMA camps were erected by the company KBR by order of
the state. The purpose is allegedly to build them for the Department of
Homeland Security’s United States Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) in order to temporarily detain people there in the case
of an emergency mass influx of immigrants.
“KBR has been awarded
a contract announced by the Department of Homeland
Security’s United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
component. The Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity
contingency contract is to support ICE facilities and has a maximum
total value of $385 million over a five year term. The contract provides for
establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities in the
event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the United States, or
to support the rapid development of new programs.”
The original text was still available in the Internet in the beginning of February (I saw it myself and regrettably didn’t download it), but it has now been removed. However, another official webpage of Halliburton still mentions the contract: Halliburton announces full year and fourth quarter results (search the text for, e.g.; “KBR has been awarded a contract“). It seems quite obvious that one expects extensive catastrophes also in neighboring countries, probably Mexico and Central America, which could lead to a mass escape to the USA.
What, then, is KBR? Formerly called Kellogg, Brown and Root, this company to day belongs to Halliburton in Houston TX and is a worldwide building company for erecting all kinds of constructions.
Here is a video about FEMA camps: FEMA camp footage. These camps remind a lot of Nazi concentration camps and they also have railway connections for special FEMA trains. These trains have 2-3 floors, apparently in some cases the upper floor could serve for vehicles. On the lower floors, there allegedly are sitting benches with rails for clamping handcuffs on…
They know something is coming...
FEMA and the state of Illinois are now issuing videos preparing for earthquakes! They have all disappeared in the meantime.
This is how the US Government prepares the population for the coming catastrophe! So they do know that something is coming ...
NASA calls for emergency preparedness!
See this very official webpage and video from NASA! So what do they know that they don’t tell us??? It very briefly, and “between the lines”, refers not only to dangers from earthquakes, but also from space!
There are special FEMA coffins – also mass graves?
In the
USA, at least half a million – some sources claim up to five
millions – enigmatic black plastic boxes are stored, which in
size would fit as coffins for 3-4 bodies. In that case, for what?
According to above, it could be for the case of mass deaths in a very
extensive natural catastrophe. That FEMA would be preparing for that is
a logical explanation for these coffins, since
the signs of our time do point in that direction! Also, the preparation of mass graves has been
reported, see these videos:
FEMA camp coffins
Investigating FEMA mass graves.
The US authorities are at present also seeking supply of “underwater body bags”, for the purpose of (quote) “recovery operations of bodies and body parts” in the case of an emergency: Request for information - Underwater body bags. Why “underwater”? Such corpse bags let water through and sink, instead of floating on the surface… The number of these bags would according to another source be 40 millions.
It is now proven beyond doubt that these FEMA boxes are intended for the use as coffins! This is clearly shown by a US patent No. 5,425,163 that was recently found. The boxes described therein have exactly the same shape as those seen in the videos (only, these are bigger with space for 2-4 bodies, which shall supposedly “rationalize” the use...).
The text to this patent says the following about purpose and use (quote):
“FIELD OF THE INVENTION. This invention relates to a casket for the transport, storage and cremation of a cadaver, and, more particularly, to such a casket having certain improvements in use and especially in providing non-polluting combustion byproducts.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION. Considerable handling of a corpse is required prior to final disposition of the body. The corpse must be moved from the site of death, possibly stored for identification and mounted for autopsy, moved to a funeral preparation site ... In all of the moving and handling, the body and body substances may be exposed to a number of people, both in line of professional services and mourners. ... Today, more then ever, it has become most imperative to treat the deceased with a great deal of care in avoiding the spread of infection. There is a great need for a cremation container for the deceased that is able to contain the corpse and fluids expelled therefrom in such a manner that the spread of infection is totally avoided.”
It is obviously necessary that one has to rightly consider this: What should in the worst case be done with excessive masses of corpses? They cannot just be left lying there... So far this is motivated.
FEMA exercises for the worst case
FEMA was carrying out exercises during the latter half of May 2011 as preparation for the case of a major earthquake. Quotations: “Are you and your family ready for an earthquake?” and “What would happen if ‘the big one’ – a major earthquake – struck the Midwest today?”
The planned rescue of 7 millions of persons (see above) constitutes far less than the total population in the area that might be hit (see above). One may, therefore, ask if the plan is to mainly rescue those who more or less belong to an “elite” (and preferably are white...) rather than as far as possible each and every one. Another catastrophe exercise took place June 10, 2011. Hence personnel and citizens were prepared for the worst case!
Moving to safety?
Important US institutions and agencies are moved to Colorado, especially the Denver area, and to other locations considered to be “safe”. See the links below. One may ask, how “safe” these locations really are, since no one knows what cataclysmic events may occur even there. August 11, 2011, there was an earthquake in Colorado and August 23 eleven quakes...
NASA moved to New Mexico and has no missions between 2010 and 2015 (another article)
Billions have been spent on the Denver ‘New World Airport’. Construction there has been going on for over 17 years.
IBM to build energy-efficient data center in Boulder, Colorado
The Vatican library has been closed and moved
The Vatican observatory has moved from Rome
The Animal Disease Laboratory is moving from an isolated island off New York
‘Doomsday‘ seed vault opens in Norway
A million library books are sent down the mines
Information issued in February: DIA travelers warned of possible measles exposure – travelers and others were warned to avoid the Denver International Airport, mainly in the period March 1-12, because of measles! MEASLES!! That really looks like a flimsy excuse! Behind that will probably be something else! The airport may be have been reserved for secret construction work and corresponding transports other than of private travelers.
Summarizing QUESTIONS: Why has FEMA (according to official information) bought:
- 140 million food packages?
- A corresponding amount of drinking water in suitable containers?
- 14 million blankets?
- An unknown number of underwater body bags?
And why does FEMA already have:
- 800 detention camps?
- An unknown number of special trains (obviously suitable for mass transport of people)?
- A very large number of special cremation coffins?
Why does one prepare for a possible mass immigration due to emergency conditions?
Why are important agencies and institutions moved away from the coasts and other possibly critical areas?
See these videos: Military convoys in New York and Pentagon preparing for martial law. Of course, criminality such as looting and the like must be stopped after a catastrophe, but there remains a suspicion that the occasion is welcome for the authorities to introduce a control that they will then keep...
Could it actually be that the expectation of a catastrophe in the New Madrid area is rather a disguise for preparing for something else?... Such as establishing totalitarian power? FEMA camps could actually “serve” many purposes... and FEMA coffins too after, e.g., crushing down a mass uprising... We don’t want to hope for something like that, but can we really be absolutely sure about it?
US preparing for a major civil war!
Independent radio news broadcast (audio file).
The final truth about the
FEMA camps?
See this:
Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In
America. Brainwashing camps? Mind
control camps? Too hard to believe? Or just too uncomfortable...? One
“advantage” of being zombiefied is that you will never be able to know that you
are... So all the hype about the New Madrid area was, after all, just a
disguise? Making use of something that actually is a real possibility only to
make it easier to believe?
Regrettably, there will not be very much that we can do, except prepare ourselves internally for what could come and face it without fear. A suitable storage of food and drinks as well as a choice of medicaments is advisable. A sufficiently healthy person should survive up to 2 months without food, but water is necessary. If the electricity fails and water can no more be pumped into the pipes, one has to resort to wells, maybe springs and rain water. For that reason, we have acquired a 300 liters (80 gallons) stainless steel tank and filled it with water. For the emergency case if it really should occur. One should then also save used water (from washing etc.) in buckets for such things as flushing the toilet (when its tank doesn’t refill). There are allegedly people who live from spiritual energies without eating and drinking. Is that true? I at least consider it to be possible. If there is nothing else left, we may consider that as a possible last chance – if we believe in it strongly enough (and if you don’t believe in it, that may be the very reason why it doesn’t work for you...) It would, if things begin too look critical, be advisable to leave coastal areas and lowlands and seek refuge at higher locations.
As concerns food supply, it will, of course, break down if no gasoline is available for trucks to transport it and no electricity for operating various equipment and activities. That will be an acute problem in towns, if it occurs. On the countryside, people may still be able to have their own vegetables and fruits, at least to some degree (and in the worst case, vegetarians may have to eat meat for a while), and there is a lot in nature that you can eat, more than most people know, but much has become forgotten about it to day. Find a book about what one can eat in the forests and on the fields. One actually can eat grass (maybe better cooked) and it has been claimed that one can even eat earth! Earth is full of nutritive stuff and organisms and it could keep you alive, in spite of the digestion problems it could cause (and the disgust you might feel about it).
Furthermore, our humanitarianism would be put at a test! Are we prepared to share with our brothers and sisters? Indiscriminately, i.e., independent of race and creed? Or do we want to keep it all for ourselves? In the latter case we have failed in this important test... and that may already put our right to survive in question...
The US government is preparing to take full control of the media. For those who has eyes to see and ears to hear: Obama launches total takeover of media, also this audio file – now to be put in effect by order of the Obama government from February 8, 2011, cf. Emergency alert system. Special installations, controlled by FEMA, are everywhere built into radio and TV stations, with the excuse that an emergency situation may require to nationwide interrupt broadcasting for “important messages”. Now, however, this new regulation also “opens door and gate” for censorship and control – undesired information can be stopped. An essential step towards total dictatorship! Big Brother tells you what you should know and do… and the people has nothing to say. The end of freedom of speech and independent opinion… This system was tested November 9, 2011. The Internet will be the next subject of control and censorship: Obama FCC to attempt government takeover of the Internet and The challenge of unlawful conduct involving the use of the Internet, Executive order EO 13133 as well as F.C.C. Chairman outlines broadband framework – actually in no way unexpected, since free information in the net about what people shouldn’t know is a severe “thorn in the side” of those “up there”… Furthermore, new guidelines, authorizations and directives seem to slowly be turning the US into a police state...
According to the latest news the US Congress wants to censor the Internet, see here!
It is alleged that many secret underground “Noah’s Arks” have been (or are still being) constructed for the elite in the USA, where the “chosen ones” can find shelter in the case of a catastrophe. To this, see: Secret underground 2012 base at Denver Airport.
In the Internet, lots of webpages report about D.U.M.B.s – “Deep Underground Military Bases”, but to a large extent together with speculations about alleged cooperation with extraterrestrials, which understandably give a less serious impression (at least for those who cannot deal with that, cf. Questions and answers about extraterrestrials). Therefore, I do not quote links here. As concerns the number of such underground bases, figures from 150 up to almost 400 are stated. In any case, there will not be that much “smoke” without a “fire”! Behind somewhat fantastic speculations will be a hidden truth. Strangely enough, several such links found by Google are now dead (and may now have disappear from search results, too; that they were still found in March indicates that they were removed quite recently). Why have they disappeared? It is very obvious that such underground constructions will be extremely secret, so that reliable reports can hardly be expected… Rumors and observations then lead to speculations, which in a certain way serve the secrecy, since they can be done away with as “nonsense”, whatever truth there may be behind them. From my military service in Sweden in the 60es I do know that there are huge hidden constructions inside mountains there, almost like secret little “cave towns”. I have myself been inside one of them. It is also known that there are a few such constructions in some steep cliffs at the coast, which even have “harbor caves” with disguised entrances, wherein whole ships can be kept (pictures were decades ago shown in the media, without stating the locations), and that there are underground air bases with disguised openings for planes (the runways are disguised as straight and broadened sections of country roads, which, when needed, are closed for car traffic, and that I have also seen myself). Similar things are reported from Switzerland, where a lot is hidden inside the mountains. So why should there not be many more and much bigger constructions like that in the USA? Today more than at that time...
Remarkable letters: A letter from a Norwegian politician. This letter has been declared to be a hoax. Is that true, or mere tactics? And what if it is true, after all? Here is a report about underground luxury quarters for the very rich. Here is a new video about D.U.M.B.s and still more information about it: DUSEL. A video about a DUMB at and under the Denver airport. And here is a video link. The Denver Airport hides many secrets! Part 1, Part 2.
So what would they want to save themselves from? Probably two things: 1. Natural catastrophes (hoping that their shelters will withstand them and not become mass coffins...) and 2. possible threats from space, such as devastating solar flares and meteor swarms (in case the Earth would pass through a comet’s tail) or even the impact of some celestial body.
It is obvious that the elite now have fear, and it is well known that fear tends to attract danger. The power-greedy elite have made themselves rich. Who has much, has much to lose. Who has little or nothing, has little or nothing to lose… They wanted to rule the world with fear and now have to feel that fear themselves. To live in such “arks” will not be very pleasant, and who knows if they will find their way out? Entrances can become blocked and even thick walls can break. Water and food storages don’t last forever. Electricity can be cut off and generators can run out of fuel. Ventilation can fail. Many an “ark”could turn out to be a mass coffin...
Were the quakes in Colorado and Virginia around 8/24, 2011, triggered by and underground nuclear explosion in connection with building underground facilities that have connections to Colorado and Virginia? Unbelievable things are reported to happen at the Dulce Airbase. Report about FEMA’s secret power in the US.
Why have obviously big shelter-like underground constructions been rapidly built?
Why is the public not informed?
A rhetoric question (that may answer the latter question): What would happen if the public would be fully informed?
Predictions are something one is rightfully skeptic about. A few have been fulfilled, but most have not. There are, however, some partly agreeing predictions about very extensive Earth changes. Do some of the people, who rule society, secretly expect such changes without wanting to arouse the public about it? Does one fear panic and social unrest if such expectations would become known? Is one, therefore, secretly preparing for such an event – e.g., in government circles? There is some evidence for that (see above)!
There may possibly be an enormous eruption of the Yellowstone super-volcano that could devastate large parts of the USA. That could have a major influence on the position of the Earth relative to its axis of rotation and could “trigger” further volcanoes! See: Yellowstone super volcano getting ready to blow its cork and Keeping an eye on Yellowstone’s super volcano.
It is, furthermore, interesting that Edgar Cayce predicted what has happened in Japan more than half a century ago!
QUESTION: Why are earthquake data for the Yellowstone area censored (apparently only this year)?
It appears possible that some things will happen already in 2011, but what? We can never really know! Not before it possibly happens… May, therefore, the reader form his own opinion. Objectively? Can that be done? The subjective opinion-maker inside us often prefers to withdraw from it and say: “But that just cannot be true”… and that even one minute to 12… (if it comes)…
End-of-the-world scenario?
There have been many end-of-the-world
scenarios in the past. Most of them were connected with fanatic
religious groups, which that way wanted to drain money from believers
for some alleged “salvation” project. In this case, it is
different, in the sense that it is based on real facts that can also be
scientifically evaluated. But: is the puzzle laid by means of these
facts also correct? Or rather a paranoid suspicion? This is the big
question. Only the future can answer it. What to day can be found in
the Internet is certainly thought-provoking and has to be considered
critically, instead of ignoring it “just like that”.
Whatever it may mean…
But there will be no end to the world! Only a breakdown of the old and the beginning of a new era... and this new era will be very different from present ideas about a “New World Order”...
And if it should really be
…that it would come to such
catastrophes in North America, it should be clear that this will
trigger events also in most other parts of the Earth.
It is important that we don’t
fear! The elite may do so, I don’t mind… but we know
better. Who experiences such an event unprepared will have
fear and panic, since it happens unexpectedly to him. But if we are
reasonably prepared, we should have much
less fear – if it happens. Because:
There is no death!
Whatever may happen, we should never forget
that there is no death! The soul is immortal and merely leaves the
present body. It then stays for some time on another level of
existence, and in most cases later incarnates again (most probably even for
those who didn’t believe in reincarnation...).
Not even the elite will die
If they to a major extent find themselves trapped in their underground shelters, thus having become mass coffins, their souls also go on, but with a heavy lesson and karma. Where will they go? Where will they then incarnate?
This is not about worries and fear! It is rather about a kind of hope for a new era that will be very different from the new “order” that a well known dark movement to day wants to introduce in this world in order to manipulate and control the population.
I here wish to refer to two remarkable MESSAGES: especially The separation has begun but also Information from a regression experience.
To all this, there are remarkably fitting Bible verses in Matth. 24:
2 And Jesus said unto them, “See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”
7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places.”
22 “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
Comment: When the Earth flips, days are shortened (and they may then be longer on the opposite side of the Earth).
29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken…”
Comment: “Stars… fall from heaven” – meteors?
40-41 “Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”
Comment: Cf. “The separation has begun”!
Mark 13:24-25: “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.”
Rev. 8:10-12: “And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.”
What is the star “Wormwood”? There are speculations about this in the Internet. The Greek word for “Wormwood”, apsinthos, may simply mean “undrinkable”. What that could have to do with a “star” is enigmatic. The corresponding Hebrew word is la‘anah. It comes from an otherwise hardly used word root la‘an, which may mean something like “curse”. This may possible give a clue for a better understanding.
Cf. also:
Isaiah 30:25: “Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.”
It has been claimed that HAARP could be used to cause earthquakes. This is a common allegation found frequently in the Internet. It has also recently been alleged that it would have been used to cause the big one in Japan, for the reason that Japan didn’t want to join the “New World Order” – cf. Are we in a HAARP “earthquake war”?. We cannot know (yet) if this is true, but we cannot exclude the possibility, either. But one thing strikes me: Two major locations for HAARP installations are Alaska and Puerto Rico. And at these locations there are earthquakes almost every day! If – and I mean if – HAARP is really used to focus electromagnetic energy of enormous power to certain areas to cause earthquakes there, it wouldn’t be astonishing if it at the same time causes some reaction (or recoil) at the transmitting end of the energy beam... And these may then not be real devastating geophysical earthquakes, but “just” electromagnetic reactions that are interpreted as earthquakes.
It, however, appears to be quite certain that HAARP can be used to manipulate the weather, cf. CFTC requests public input on possible regulation of “event contracts”. See also here with references to more official information.
It has also been alleged that the computer virus Stuxnet was used to paralyze Fukushima.
The truth about the Middle East: what general Wesley Clark has to say about it. This is another link that has disappeared, quite obviously censored. Here is, however, a video with the general (in English, with texts and subtitles in German). The general told that the USA has plans to “take over” states in Northern Africa and the Near East, like Libya, Syria etc. Is the present unrest created there for that reason?
Government orders You Tube to censor protest videos
Can we trust public media?
The longer the less! It is obvious that many things are not reported to us, and some things only once in the news and then never again. Who missed that report will, therefore, not know about it, except maybe from hearsay (and then he may not believe it just like that). It is also obvious that things are reported to us that are not really true, but are intended to serve as disinformation or as a cover-up. Why is that? Some reasons were stated above, but there will be more. One wants to gradually and as secretly as possible (so that we will not notice it) lead us into a desired view of the world, and such that we believe it. Desired by whom? By these who have the power and especially by these who operate secretly behind the stage. Why? So that they can manipulate us as they want to.
I recently saw two science fiction movies in the TV (as I sometimes like to do). One was Primeval and another one was Final Fantasy (but after some time I turned the TV off, since they were to silly). But one thing struck me! Final Fantasy is completely animated, without human actors (except for the voices that can one day be animated, too). It is really very well done as an animation. Primeval is a mixture: real actors but very many animated scenes. The development is proceeding and profits, also financially, from the profit of selling computer games! I regard such games as an abuse of computer technology, but they are enormously popular and a very big business. Big amounts of money are flowing from buyers (who are not aware of what the may be contributing to) into further development of animation. It may not be long until the animation technology reaches a state in which animated actors cannot be distinguished from real ones. Do we, with our demand for computer games, in a way dig our own information graves? Do we, with the money we pay for them, support the development of a technology that at the end with be turned against us? With time, we may then see reports, for example, about accidents, epidemics, wars, catastrophes and incidents that have never occurred – and the other way around, we would not be informed about real accidents, epidemics, wars, catastrophes and incidents (or only in falsified ways), since one wants us to believe something else. Maybe that has already slowly begun... Since years, there are science fiction movies which describe such an illusionary world. That could become – or is becoming – a reality... The technology is already there and its development continues!
Something I do wonder about is that Elenin and other things have allegedly been blacked out in star maps from Google Skies. I haven’t checked it myself, but several videos show it in a way I can believe. I wonder less about that it is done than why it is done by such primitive means! One can easily recognize the manipulation in a magnified view (as shown in such videos). I could have done it much better myself with simple means. You only need to copy stars from another part of the map into the section you want to hide and then blur the edges of the cut-out (or cut-in), and no one would notice it! Could it be done in such a primitive way on purpose? Has one followed an order “from above”, but deliberately in such a clumsy way so that it should be seen? Like: “Look here, people, we had to hide this...”
Barbara Marciniak describes it as follows in her book Bringers of the Dawn *: “The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.” For this purpose the media are used – television, radio and the press. These are not in themselves evil but they are used in an evil way. To rule over ourselves, we have to distance ourselves from these media. Techniques for subliminal manipulation are used worldwide. It is in a similar way in education: we are fed with ideas without noticing it. Conflicts are created in humanity in order to deflect our attention from the essential and create disharmony.
Does the present situation of terrorism threat in certain cases also belong to such manipulation? Is one trying to create a threat to make people accept surveillance systems for “their own protection” that at the end will serve the surveillance and control of themselves, and they didn’t know what was going on?
For that reason, independent information in the Internet is so important! We can there get to know truths which are otherwise hidden to us and also how many things really are, instead of the disinformation one wants to feed us about them. As long as the Internet is still free... But: one must take care to separate the chaff from the wheat! As long as the Internet is reasonably free (and it is already being censored to some extent and more of that is coming!) one tries to counter such information with disinformation and claim that true reports would be false, or one tries to create confusion with contradicting reports.
* Barbara Marciniak: Bringers of the Dawn, Bear & Co., Santa Fe (New Mexico), 1992. The whole text can be downloaded here for free. The book is highly recommended.